Monday 13 February 2012

Lesbian girlfriend

Today is Valentine's Day... A day when all couples get together and rub their love for each other in your face. Like "Neh neh neh neh neh... I got a boyfriend and you don't." And they end their silent, indirect tauntings with silent, indirect evil laughs... "MUAHAHAHAHAHA". But... oh well... I thought I'd be depressed today but I'm not. I'm writing my Theater post in my own room and drinking coffee! So... yes... I'll be fine. : )) Besides... no boyfriends... no responsibilities. No need to make him happy on this day. I can be lazy... grab a huge tub of ice cream and stuff my face. : )) Now, for the biggest decision of my life........ Haagen Daaz or Baskin Robbins. HAHAHAHAH. XDDDD

So... we had theater class yesterday as usual. Before we started... Mr. Rey pointed out the things he expected for the next assignment. Like, it being 1 and a half or two minutes, there needs to be a super objective and that super objective needs to change in the end, there's got to be 3 activites and obstacles.... you know... stuff like that. I'm not so sure how I'm going to handle the change of super objective yet... but I'm thinking about it. I hope I don't go over the top this time.

The next thing we did was warm up. So, as usual... we go around... and walk around the space. We stretched out... and shaked out... and I managed to stop thinking about what I'm going to do for a super objective and focus. We were asked to find a spot in the room that we wanted to be in. I went into the middle... where the light was. I was thinking... I like being the center of attention. Then... we had to do what we went there to do. I only came to the center to be in the middle of everything. So, I stood there and just waved my arms a little... just you know... waiting for my time to shine... that kind of thing. Then... we ended it... and shook out. Later... we had to find another place to be in. I chose a spot on one of the benches and just sat there... like I was waiting for someone. Then... we did what we went there to do. I moved a little... looked around and then... we returned to the space and shook out. Then... we had to pick another spot but this time, we had to automatically go there to do what we needed to do. I went to where my bag was to check my phone, to see who called. Then, there had to be an obstacle. I figured that maybe there was no signal... So... I stick my phone up in the air and act as if there really WAS no signal. Then... we end the scene. I placed my phone back in my bag and went back to the space. Mr. Rey explained to us that, that was the obstacle and that the objective had now changed and we understood what he meant. Now, thinking about it... I might just change my story all together. : (

Then... we formed this circle and played with the ball again. We did the "yes 30" game. This time... we did it really, really fast. I remember saying "yes 1" and looking at Teck Sern but for some reason... he didn't catch it. He said that I looked at him but threw the ball somewhere else so he didn't know if it was for him or... not. Mr. Rey said that our problem was that... I wasn't ready and neither was he. I dunno... I thought I was pretty ready... maybe my aiming was whack. -_________- I dunno. Here's the fun part... there needed to be an obstacle in the circle... one who couldn't touch the ball or the people but could cause as much trouble as they wanted. That included calling names, insulting, blocking sight. I remember this part where just as   I was about to throw the ball, Zong Yong who was the obstacle got in the way of my line of sight and my aiming got screwed. I'm thinking... fuck. Then... it got better. We switched from obstacle to obstacle and the job got harder. At first... all the obstacle had to do was cause a diversion by screaming and yelling and getting in the way. Then, slowly... Mr. Rey got the obstacles to take a role. Celine got into the roll of the insulting bitch. She insulted everyone everyone around her as a diversion. Then... David was the laughing gay. He produced this really high pitched laugh... like... really high. The last one was Lycel as the cheerleading dumb blonde. She goes to everyone and acts as the big bitch of the school. Then... we all assumed a role. I assumed the role of Lycel's lesbian girlfriend who is pissed because she cheated on me with the school quarterback. So, instead of her yelling and complaining to me... I start the fight by yelling "HOW COULD YOU."

So, there were a lot of things that happened that I can't recall right now, but the point of the exercise was to have us remember to.... avoid thinking or planning... and just do. We were good when we were spontaneous and not thinking but when we thought of what we were going to do next, we lost it. Also... when assuming a role, we were more focused and stopped becoming audiences. When we weren't, it was easy to lose focus. The thing we always do as audience is laughing. The minute we do that, it destroyed the flow. Also... we cannot be multitasking because one needs to concentrate on one thing to do it right.

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