Saturday 11 February 2012

Go first? You kidding me?

You know what... I don't get it... I don't get why one has to wake up at 8.30am every damn morning even if it's a weekend. I don't!! I mean... it's a Saturday for crying out loud. Can't I at least sleep in for a few more hours to cover the nights I spend being awake??? Yeah yeah... sure, it's healthier and you can get more things done and bla bla bla... but come on... Seriously mom? Seriously???? I also have no idea what kind of mother I'll be in the future. I mean... imagine the hell it would be if I had to wake up every morning JUST to make breakfast for my kids before they go to school and then, drag my lazy arse to work. I must be like... Supermom or someshit. There is also something wrong with me because I twist my back and my spine cracks multiple times on both sides. I've been doing that since primary school and it grossed my cousin out. HAHAHA! Note to self : check that up. I also happen to think that the Prince of Egypt soundtrack is amazing. I can't stop singing "All I ever wanted". 

Anyway... talking about class last Friday... or... yesterday. I finally did my solo performance. Yes, I did practice. I practiced for more than an hour too cuz I kept changing ideas and ways to make an entrance. I... thought the idea was just... normal... I mean... I wanted to keep it really normal so... yeah. Like something I do almost everyday. It didn't cross my mind that it may have been a little too normal or even cliched... I just... went with the flow. So... during the warm ups, I used the time to recall important actions that I would have to act out. I pretty much jogged through the whole performance in my mind. I had a problem though, I forgot to time myself during my practices and I wasn't sure if I had enough time or if I would go over the limit. I figured, I'd let someone else go first and adjust myself according to the time they spend on stage. I also figured I would drop certain acts if there was a lack of time. So, that was that. I had my props with me and I was ready as I could be. 

After the warm up, we were separated according to the ones who rehearsed and the ones who didn't. At this point, I am nervous but I tell myself to calm down because, what's the point of getting nervous? I'll just screw something up. And then... I heard my name. It took me awhile to digest it but when I did get it, I thought to myself "ME??? GO FIRST??? NOO!!! Pick someone else!!!!!"... but there was no turning back. So, up I went. I think I should have taken some extra time behind the screen to refocus because my concentration went splat after being horrified to be called up first. So, with my half assed focus, I did my best. 


Who am I : I am a college student.

Where am I : I am in my room... before that, I was in the hallway... before that, I was walking up the stairs.

What time is it : Time to go to college. I do have to leave soon but I have some time left to spare... like a few minutes.

What surrounds me : All four walls of my room and my supposed things in the room like the table and chair.

What are my relationships : I'm not sure how to answer this but... I have a relationship with my first objective , to get my bag and the second relationship is with the magazine.

What are the given circumstances : My goal is to get to college before time catches up with me.

What do I want : I want to get my bag.

What is in my way : The magazine.

What do I do to get what I want : I want to get to college but I also want to read the mag so... I end up bringing the mag with me.

You're probably asking... how did this idea come to be? Well... It happened exactly as it did on Tuesday... except... instead of a magazine, it was a news article that I got engrossed in. Then, I thought to change it to a magazine because I liked the idea. Besides, magazines are sexier and I'm sexy (coughs). Plus, you can do really neat things with it like smelling the perfume samples on certain pages. I didn't think it was cliched at first... I was just... you know... following what I did... cuz, I really did rush out of my room. But yes... now... talking about it... it does seem very cliched. As I said above, I wanted it to be really normal and something that I truly did... not something made up... So, that's how I came up with it. Why I picked what I did on Tuesday is because it was the most recent thing that had happened to me. So, that's how this idea came to be. : )))

What I did was... I walked into my room to get my bag. I don't find it immediately, I have to look for it. Then, when I do find it, I fling it across my shoulder and I'm ready to go... but I see the magazine. And just like magic, I am tempted to read it's contents. I check the time and I think to myself... "Ah, what the heck, I still got a little bit of time." So, I put my bag down, pick up the mag and I start to see pictures. Some pictures I found amusing and I smile. Then... I see a page containing a little perfume sample on the top of the page. I look around to see if no one's watching and I take a little whiff of the sample. I like it. I rub the sample on my neck and wrists. I stop to smell my wrists... I love the smell. I flip to the other pages, I see the poster of an actor I love on a page and I stop to admire him. I press the mag against my chest because I am smitten by his gorgeous-ness. I look down... and I see my watch... I am shocked by how much time I have left. I drop the mag and bolt out with my bag... but then... I stop. I smile as I take the mag with me. : ))

When I was done... I was not proud... I mean... I am proud to a certain extent but I thought it could have been better. I realized, I had spent too much time on the magazine... and I JUST realized how cliche it was to rush out. So... Mr. Rey's comments came back to bite me on my ass. Looking at the watch is indicating... and one shouldn't be doing it... I forgot about that. I give myself a mental slap. I tried to do too many things in one minute.... yeah... I knew that. Rushing out of a room because I'm out of time is cliched... yeah... I got that too. However, he really felt like there was nobody in the room but me because I didn't look at the audience. That's good. The other thing is... I should have paid more attention to the perfume because it was a good idea. I should have screwed all the other actions and just... focus on the perfume because it could have been very sensual and sexy and very "Leanne". HAHAHAH. So, I didn't completely blow it... but it could have been SOOO much better. And I agree. 

So, there's a new assignment... another solo act. Oh, joy. 
I have to answer the same questions above but this time 2 to 3 minutes, doing 3 separate actions with 3 or more props. : ))) 
Now, that's better. 
I have an idea of what I'm going to do... and I think it would be quite a thrill. : )) 
It is going to be... as Mr. Rey said... very "Leanne". 
I'll try to make sure I don't repeat any of the mistakes. 

This is an IDEA of what I'll be doing on my next assignment. ; ) 

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